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Video hosting in virtual servers

Video hosting in virtual servers

Our company offers video hosting services in virtual server. Recorded video data is hosted in our servers which can be accessed from any computer, smart phone or tablet with internet access. This service is a great decision for people who are physically unable to observe premises but have a need to see particular place, rooms or objects, online, at any time of the day.

What are the advantages of video hosting in virtual servers?

  • Once the video is finished, it’s automatically uploaded to the server. Hosted video data can be viewed at any time.
  • Now you don’t have to worry about free space in your computer. All recorded video data will be safely placed in our virtual server. All stored information can be accessed from any computer, smart phone, tablet or from anywhere, where you have an internet access. Our company guarantees it to you, our servers annual availability is even 99.9 percent with guaranteed correct data center and server hardware performance.
  • Now you don’t need to worry about your data security on the computer. Every clients information is important to us, so copies of video data is transferred and stored in our servers. If your computer accidentally brakes down, you can view saved data at any time, just by connecting to our virtual server.
  • If an accident happens in the area where recording takes place, no one can steal your files with hard drive, because it is not stored in the same place. After the accident, the client can access to the account and get the all video data stored in the server.
  • Sometimes it’s too expensive to purchase your own servers so we offer you storing video data in our virtual servers. Also, it’s cheaper than recovering lost video files.
  • Cameras have advanced features. They can be controlled by wireless connection (Wi-fi), also, cameras can record view in high-definition (HD) format in day / night mode, also can have enabled motion detection mode, lightning mode, zoom mode, listening mode and etc. 

We offer you three different video hosting plans for one camera: “Mini”, “Medi”, “Maxi”.

Plan Hosted data Price / month
“Mini” 15 GB 6 Eur 3 Eur / month
“Medi” 100 GB 16 Eur 8 Eur / month
“Maxi” 200 GB 24 Eur 12 Eur / month

Virtual server is a flexible, reliable and safe way to store your data. Protect your information in advance!

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